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 Sub-Categories   Articles 
   Information on the role of Toastmaster for the Meeting
General Evaluator
   Information about the General Evaluator Role
Sergeant at Arms
  Information on the role of Sergeant at Arms.
   Information about the Timekeeper role
Grammarian & Ah Counter
  Information on the role of Grammarian and Ah Counter
Topics Master
  Information on the role of Topics Master.
  Information on the role of Evaluator or Topics Evaluator.
Warm Up
  Information about the 'Warm Up' role.
Reserve Speaker
   Information about the role of reserve speaker.
  This category covers various aspects of preparing and improving your speech.
  Information about taking the role of 'hospitality' at a club meeting.

 Article   Type   Author   Date   Views 
Delivery Evaluator  Reference  Forgotten User 18 Aug 18, 12:15 1521
  What does a delivery evaluator do?
Keymaster  Reference  Forgotten User 30 Dec 16, 00:17 1683
  What are the responsibilities?
Language Evaluator  Reference  Forgotten User 18 Aug 18, 12:15 1543
  What does a language evaluator do?
Ballot Counter  Information  Forgotten User 18 Jun 07, 23:33 20136
  What does the Ballot Counter do at a meeting?
Chairperson  Information  malw 04 Sep 07, 06:10 5507
  What does a Chairperson do at a meeting?
Inspiration  Information  rhea 07 Oct 13, 22:38 2820
  Information on the role of Inspiration for the Meeting
Inspirational Instant  Information  Forgotten User 29 Nov 16, 18:21 2101
  Information about the Inspirational Instant
Invocator (for meetings with no pledge of allegience)  Information  khdon 02 Apr 11, 20:37 4619
  As a non-denominational Christian Club, we take this time to contemplate our Lord’s presence in the meeting.
Joke Master  Information  RaMaEEO 12 Oct 22, 08:31 757
  Joke Master information
Officer of the Day  Information  HTM1 30 Jun 11, 19:56 3888
  The Role of Officer of the Day
Parliamentarian  Information  debart 26 Jul 09, 09:56 7325
  Role of Parliamentarian
Quizmaster  Information  Forgotten User 12 Mar 13, 18:12 16253
  The role of the Quizmaster is to test the audience's listening skills
Safety Moment Presenter  Information  SergePrefontaine 10 Jun 13, 21:06 2699
  Role Information
Toast/Joke of the Day  Information  Forgotten User 14 Jun 16, 18:46 9747
  Role Description
Video Master  Information  HTM1 08 Jan 11, 04:34 3153
  The Role of Video Master
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